Joyful Journeys Child Care offers a variety of programs ranging from toddler to school-age.
All programs focus on: personal talent development, creative development, social and manipulative development, leadership and character development, and physical and emotional development.


Toddlers will require yet another review of the learning environment to make everything work. Learning environment includes everything from your child’s bedroom to bathroom in classroom or home and so on everywhere. By the time we have your child to be graduated with Joyful Journeys Child Care’s program, your child will be quite accomplished in a range of fine and gross motor skills,hands-eyes coordination, language, social development and self-control. Of course, each child has different talents from God and we as adults have to respect. Major Assistant tools for this age group with Joyful Journeys Child Care: practical life, sensorial, culture(art, music, geography, zoology), language, math preparation, verbal interaction and discipline

They will learn more deeply with social interaction. Role model is extremely important between family, friends, and teachers. They are ready to explore starting to say “Why” and “What”Joyful Journeys Child Care will give patience to watch how they beautifully grow up, giving more deeper and sincere lessons and works.After all, when A three year old graduates from Joyful Journeys Child Care ,he/she can do the following: Eat, Go to the toilet, Choose from a limited selection of work,Ready for group interaction in a social setting, adjust to a simple change in plans, Care of self needs

They will have two choice from Joyful Journeys Child Care only andfrom Transferring Programs. They will learn and research more deeply and be ready to go to Kindergarten. This following area is our goals you can expect to see in your child when the child graduates from Joyful Journeys Child Care.
1. Enjoyment of learning God and love of words from Bible.
2. Joy of learning in quiet moment
3. Independence
4. Self-confidence
5. Self-discipline and Emotion Control
6. Concentration
7. Attachment to reality and love with all creation
8. Humor with serious fun knowledge
We recommend Transferring Program who need more English Speakingpractical environment. We choose East Side Christian School as our transferring program currentlybecause they give God’s love to children like us.
(K to age 8)

From Kindergartner to age 8. Joyful Journeys Child Care offers Before School andor After School service in safe place to learn.Joyful Journeys Child Care provides school bus transportation from East Gate Elementary School. They will have fun and get active. Joyful Journeys Child Care also provides Homework assistanceAvailable. And each student develops their math and language skill on a daily basis.After school, they will get healthy and yummy snack.Every Wednesday, Joyful Journeys Child Care offers field trip to promote physical activity.