Joyful Journeys
Our goal is to help each child become a WHOLE CHILD - well-balanced in every aspect of life.

What We Offer
Joyful Journeys Child Care aims to be a model for quality child care, and the School participates actively with Early Achiever (Washingtons Quality Rating Improvement System). As a member of the Bellevue Community, Joyful Journeys Child Care strives to be both a trustworthy school for each parent and a joyful school for each child. At the same time, as a beneficiary of God’s Love, JJ is eager to share Christianity and the Good News by working to serve current and prospective JJ families.
Focused Environment
Social Skills
Electronic Communication
Monthly Themes
Individual Development Report
Bilingual Staff
Montessori Materials & Reggio Inspired Environment
Parent Support
Word of God

Meet the Director
she'd like to introduce JJ team proudly!
Meet the Team
The following leaders are our precious members who work together in Joyful Journeys Child Care for our mission.

Director Ms. Eunae
BAs in Hospitality Mgt and
Early Education

Lead Teacher
Ms. Yena
MA in Physical Education

Assistant teacher
Ms. Mia
BA in German Language and Literacy

Program Manager
Ms. Leena
BA Christian Counselling

Assistant Teacher
Ms. Jessi
BA in Education
Our Pledge
1. We promise to take care of JJ children with family-style love.
2. We promise to love and respect JJ children as themselves.
3. We promise to exercise patience according to Godly principles and to resolve problems by considering a child’s point of view.
4. We promise not to control children with our views of righteousness and eagerness.
5. We promise to use an approach based on children’s needs, not just on grown-ups’ standards.
6. We promise to give priority to individual spiritual (emotional) development and fundamental personality development (virtue) rather than focusing solely on informational knowledge.
7. We promise to promote the happiness of children and their families

Letter From the Director
Thank you for deciding to explore our program as a part of your search for the right school for your child. Being a parent is one of the most challenging but grace-filled experiences in the world. We are constantly making preparations for our children's uncertain futures and find ourselves in uncharted territories of parenting that seem to disregard our desire to do what is right for them. I know that parenting can be a daunting process to select right school but the good news is that you will find lots of wonderful preschools on this journey, particularly in Bellevue.
Albert Einstein, one of the most brilliant men in history, said that the essence of education is not acquisition of knowledge through memorization, but training for creative thinking. I believe that the channel of successful early-learning education is based on parenting education. This is best done by being a good role model, being tolerant of numerous mistakes and providing endless encouragement until your child is ready to "take on the world". My heart is overflowing with joy when I understand that a child's character will be formed through developing a positive self image, discovering his or her gifts and talents, and building a virtuous character in order to be a meaningful member of society.
Here in the United States, all children have opportunities to experience different cultures and to learn challenging concepts as they grow. In addition to providing such opportunities, Joyful Journeys Child Care is also a place where God's word remains the first priority, as both children and teachers develop God-given talents and personal virtue through functioning communication.
Because each child has his or her own 'unique path in the world', it is challenge to communicate clearly. Moreover, as young children are still learning how to verbalize their feelings and express themselves through their behavior, childcare providers including parents and teacher have an important responsibilty to understand. In our home child care school, younger ones learn from those who are older, who, in turn, take care of the younger ones. In this way, all realize what real love is in the process of learning and observing each other. Therefore, we keep working together with JJ teachers to develop effective programs and arrange creative settings. These promote the feeling of togetherness in a mixed-age group that has varied behavioral developmental criteria. We also work with children in the area of fundamental personality development to understand each other and to communicate in order to reach personal goals.
Finally, I wish to focus on the families whose mother language is not English. Bilingual parents need to consider how important providing a bilingual environment is-even after your child is 8 years old in terms of your child's lifetime advantage in the United States, where lots of different cultures exist. Before the age of 8, your child's ability to speak two languages depends on parental effort. But after the age of 8, developing bilingual ability depends on your child's passion and effort. Bilingualism is, of course, an important tool of communication between parents and a child. More than this, bilingual children also have wonderful opportunities to connect their home countries with the broader world when they grow up and start to influence society.
As an educator, child care provider, and Korean-American, I strongly believe our next generation will inherit this powerful bilingual tool from parents who make bilingualism a constant priority within the family. From that point of view, I am proud that Joyful Journeys Child Care provides an environment for teaching precise pronunciation and expression of the Korean language, as well as pre-Kindergarten Must-Know English' via Montessori lessons.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would give me the opportunity and responsibility to be your child care provider. I wish God's full blessing of His Grace upon your family.
Love in Christ,
Eunae Cho
Director and Owner